Thursday, June 16, 2011

Week Three in the books!

Our chicken connection Gail using a chop stick

Well, I'm through week three and things are going pretty well at work. My progress has been slowed some due to my main trainer in the states being out of work for an extended time. Still I feel like I'm getting a good understanding of how things work.

I am officially a resident of the United Arab Emirates! It is quite a process, but it comes down to is getting my insurance card, then putting in for the residency with insurance card, passport, marriage certificate, blood sample (no really), chest xray,....but it's done now. The good news is, I can now sponsor Gail, who has to go through everything I just did. Should be a piece of cake with my excellent guidance.

Since I had my residence visa I am eligible to go by my post paid SIM card (phone). I have to buy this then the company provides the pda and I'm good to go. They say that everything takes three trips here. I'm finding that to be true. Gail met me for lunch (which was omg good) then we set off to get my card! Now, I haven't really missed having a phone, because people just call you, but it is probably time being that I need it for work and all. So we bounce our way around the building like a blind couple in a maze, but as always end up where we need to be. Did I mention the three trips. We get the paperwork, fill it out and go to the nice man that assigns your queue number.

Gail thinks she should fill out paperwork for a prepaid card as "long as we're here". This is where modern UAE meets Tijuana. You actually go to a three ring binder on a table and pick your phone number from the computer printed, hand torn, pieces of paper. Gail and I looked at each other and just cracked up. We selected our "very special" numbers and went back to the nice man at the counter. I should have suspected something when he asked if I had a salary certificate from work, but blew it off. As Gail likes to say, "to make a long story short" I needed the salary certificate and Gail has a phone now, and I don't!

I spend a lot of time on the phone with the good ole USA, so things don't start really cooking until around 4pm. today I had calls at 4pm, 5pm and 6pm. 4pm didn't show due to a family medical issue, things are ok. 5pm didn't show, but thank goodness, my 6-7 meeting had full attendance. I was back home by then using the house phone.

After a great dinner, (thanks to Gail) we adjourned to the roof deck for an hour of relaxation in the lounge chairs with a little wine and a full moon. Very good things. We're going to try to find a movie on netflix now before calling it a day.

BTW, there are five calls a prayer to day, but there is something magical to me about the evening call to prayer. I'm a ways away from leaving here, but I already know that I will miss hearing it.

That's all for now folks, beach tomorrow!


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