Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We're settled in at the Crowne Plaza. As they say, "things are just going too well". Then you get knocked back to reality. We checked in, went upstairs and were going to drop the bags and go exploring. I told Gail I wanted to take my work clothes out and get them hung up before we left. Imagine my surprise when I opened the suitcase and found all dresses!

The exact same bag as mine mistakenly came home with us. We went into scramble mode, and 2 hours later, and 150 dirhams lighter we were back with the correct bag. All wasn't bad though. We were originally escorted through the airport so quickly, we didn't have time to hit the duty free shop! Since we were back and didn't have anything better to do, we stopped to stock up the cupboards. This caused a slight flap as we tried getting back out through customs, but eventually they realized how honest we are.

Back at the hotel, bag in room, we set off looking for grindage. It was now 10:25 so we tried the bar in the basement. An English band was rippin' it up, the Hienie's were cold and I got to watch cricket?

Our room is very nice. Tomorrow we will try to endure the blast furnace type heat and see a few things. It's now 3:30am, and I can't sleep.

That's all for now,


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